Carambola, commonly known as Star Fruit. It is rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin A and has several health benefits. This fruit is easily available in the market in yellowish-green colour or green colour (if the fruit is not ripe). The tree is native to Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines.
Image of Carambola fruit
Star fruit can be recognised by other names in the market by:
-In Bengali "Kamranga"
-In Hindi "Kamrakh"
-In Marathi "Karambal"
-In Gujarati "Ambanamkaya"
-In Tamil "Kaparakshi Hannu"
1. Help in curing iron deficiency anaemia.
2. Dietary fibre present in the fruit helps in the absorption of LDL
Cholesterol. Hence, reducing the risk of obesity and coronary heart disease.
3. Promotes weight loss and maintains healthy skin.
4. It improves metabolism.
^Right colour for consumption is when the fruit is ripe and takes the yellowish colour.
~Wash the fruits after purchase
~ Cut both the ends once and do not consume those parts
~Peel off the greenish linings of the fruit and remove the seeds (do not
consume those parts)
~Cut into pieces as you want (in star shapes, slices) small
~Can be consumed with adding a pinch of salt available in your home for
a taste
~The fruit can be chopped or sliced into different pieces and added to
fruit salads
~Can be churned into juices
Note: Should not be
taken for daily consumption in a continuous manner as it has harmful effects
too! Especially for those having kidney problems and neurological